Coping with being dumped
REDHEN - Jul 1 2020 at 17:19
Ive been dumped a week now, and need something or somebody to tell me what to do with the pain. He said to call and text him anytime and although I try not to I end up calling him. He has started dating a new girl already. We dont argue on the phone just talk about general things. I know I need to stop it but its killing me not hearing from him. can somebody please give me a kick up the butt or some great advice please please to get him out of my mind
Thank you, I try to think about things that make me dislike him lol I think he enjoys the attention and me sobbing over him. Anyway i texted him yesterday at around 7 to say I get the hint and won't be annoying him again. He texted me back at 1 in the morning saying sorry he hadnt looked at his phone all night. I havent responded as yet and hope I wont, I hate what he's done
still havent replied and he has now sent a whatsapp. Should I go in and read it or leave it alone? so tempting
you picked a very relatable topic for me. let me start by saying I understand your situation because ive lived it. the man I loved took advantage of my feelings. We would break up and he wanted to remain friends, but then he would bring the new girlfriends around and introduce me as a friend. I finally had the courage to walk away the last time he did it. let me tell you it is immensely painful. it is not going to feel good, but eventually once you run out of tears you will stand up on your own two feet and begin to live life without the thought of him. think about yourself and your happiness because you deserve to be happy too. A friend of mine suggested a book that taught me how to keep men engaged and obsessed with you in your relationship. Its been a game changer for me and if you have the time its worth checking out. heres the link to get to it...