Is he cheating or am I over thinking it all?

SWEETGAL50 - Aug 31 2020 at 04:27
Hello to all of you!
I have a question. I’ve been seeing a guy for about a year. We see each other about every other weekend. We both work and every other weekend just works for us. He and usually text a lot!!!
Well lately (past two months)I have noticed he doesn’t always reply back to my messages right away. Sometimes I text on Saturday morning and he doesn’t reply until Monday. A couple times he did say he had a lot on his mind. I’m starting to wonder if he is cheating on me. Am I over thinking it all.
Sometimes we assume things which are far away from reality.
Talk to him and try to understand what is keeping him busy
It sounds like this is possibly a 'long distance' relationship? Even if it isn't, I encourage you to sit down and have a heart to heart with him. Did the two of you make a commitment to be exclusive to one another? You definitely need to share your feelings and ask questions, and you shouldn't keep your concerns to yourself. Don't be argumentative, or play the blame game, that will only put him on the defense; you want him to be open and honest with you. You should both talk about your goals and expectations for the relationship. Is this person someone you possibly want to marry in the future? Discuss the future, and see if you're on the same page. Find out what he is going through in his life, there may be extenuating circumstances going on you don't know about.
I don't think you are "overthinking" I think when someone changes the way they communicate or dress or act...its a red flag....
If you feel in your gut he is "cheating" have to follow your gut.
When you said that he said he has a lot going on that was another red flag for me...if you are someone important to him (men like to tell the ones closest to them their issues)...I would think he would be telling you exactly what is going on.
Your feeling pushed aside and reading your post...I FEEL you are being pushed aside.
Talk to him...tell him you are not liking the recent distance you feel between you...see what he says.