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I've been wrongly accused of something inappropriate

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Last night, I received a personal message on Instagram from a freelancer/model. In a tongue-in-cheek way, this person accused me of emailing her an application to participate in the television show "Naked Attraction" (basically a dating show). She also accused me of wanting to see her naked. I tried responding on Instagram but I didn't think my response reached her as she's already blocked me. I then tried emailing this person to clear myself and I was careful in how I formulated my message, with respectfulness in mind. I explained that I was not involved in the show in any way and that she's mistaken me for someone else. And I asked her to forward me the email she received from the show, after she requested to know who "created" the application (where she supposedly got my name). As of now she still hasn't responded my email and I'm still blocked from her Instagram account. I want to know, for assurance, if what I did was right. If not what should I have done differently to approached this issue? Even though what I did has already been done I still would like to know, encase something like this happens again. Thanks.

I've been wrongly accused of something inappropriate

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Aye, don't worry about didn't do anything wrong. And what I would do next time is just not reply to messages like this when YOU KNOW you are not involved in anything to do with whoever is messaging you....bunch of SCAMMERS out there...She blocked you because you didn't fall for her bait.

I've been wrongly accused of something inappropriate

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Thank you for the response. Are you sure it's a scam? From what I've read in this model's message there's nothing about having to pay this person. Before being blocked I had a quick look at her Instagram account and, from what I saw, it's genuine. Photos looked professional, and she had more than 2000 followers. Her website looked genuine too. To be honest I can't imagine someone with a successful career would do such a thing as scamming (especially when this person has recognition). This is her message (I will remove her name), Hi [my name], I recently received an email from Naked Attraction regarding the application “I” sent off. As you can imagine I was very surprised when I saw this email as Naked Attraction is not my target audience. Alex from Channel 4 was very kind in providing information that lead to you being the creator of my application. I don’t know, nor do I want to know your motivation for such an act, but if you wanted to see me naked you had a much better chance of doing so if you had approached me as a grown up and a man. All the best in your film career, it looks like you’ve had some success! Best, [Her name] x

I've been wrongly accused of something inappropriate

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I hope so because I prefer being trolled than what I think am going through to be honest with you.

I've been wrongly accused of something inappropriate

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Just because an account looks "legit" doesn't mean it is legit.

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