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Is he just being petty?

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My husband is highly pissed with me right now because of what happened yesterday. My biological daughter is having my first grandchild, the family's first biological great-grandchild. This is my only child. My sister, and my daughter's best friend have been planning a gender reveal party and Sunday my sister called me to ask if they could have it at our house. I didn't have a problem with it. The problem is that I didn't discuss it with my husband first. Again, this is for my daughter not just some random girl I know. The problem is that this coming Wed my husband is scheduled to have a minor, 45 minute procedure on his back and he doesn't want all those folks at our house on Sunday. The plans were that no one was coming into the house and everyone will remain outside. The event will most likely only be an hour or so. But he feels that since I didn't discuss it with him before agreeing to it I don't care about his health. No, I'm not downplaying his procedure but it's a minor 45 minute procedure not a 5 hour open heart surgery. He feels that he will still be home convalescing and won't be in the mood for people to come to our house. Women can spit out a baby and be home the next day up walking around. I had my gallbladder removed many years ago that took 3 hours or so with complications and again I was home a few hours later and up walking the next day. I told my husband he would be fine to just walk out on the front porch for a little while but he's going completely overboard about this, I think. If I'm wrong please say so but was I wrong to agree to have my daughter's gender reveal at our house that she grew up in or should I put my husband before her and tell them to have it somewhere else because my husband may not be up to folks at our house? My husband feels that anytime I am asked anything I should always discuss it with him first or take his feelings into consideration. He says that I still think with the mindset of a single girl. He has done things in the past without discussing them with me and that's fine but the minute I do it he's ready to file for divorce. Sarcasm! Do I have to ask permission in my own house?

Is he just being petty?

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It's a matter of discussing it with your husband out of respect for him and not so much that you have to report to him with everything...and it works both ways. If anything, his minor procedure shouldn't really come into the equation, but rather two married people cohabiting under the same roof, should be communicating with each other without one being dictating to the other. No, you shouldn't have to ask permission in your own home, but if you guys discussed your plans together, there wouldn't be any need to ask permission. If your husband is being petty, then it's his reaction to your action, all of which could have been prevented with simple conversation. Your event needs to be a happy occasion without you guys having to jump through small minded hoops to achieve it.

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