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How to get over unrequited feelings

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i've liked this girl i met online for over a year now. we are friends, and one night, a couple months ago, we had "a moment" and she told me i'm her ideal type and a lot of other stuff, i was the happiest person ever. she disappeared for one month, then we talked for a couple days but she was completely different. we stopped talking again, and time skip to now, about a month later, she's in love with another girl. we still talk sometimes but it pains me to see her call that girl petnames that she used to use with me and give her lots of attention. i wanna cut off things completely, cause it makes me suffer, but i don't know how

How to get over unrequited feelings

LUVBIRDSOLDIER profile image
You were the happiest person ever... and probably in your own world of wonder... but did you RESPOND to her words? It seems to me that you got lost in your emotions and forgot to tell her how you feel and so she was upset that you didn't respond and moved on to someone that made her feel appreciated and loved.

How to get over unrequited feelings

LUVBIRDSOLDIER profile image
That was just quick speculation, I could be wrong....BUT... In order to move forward you have to BUILD YOUR LIFE. When we believe in who we are and all of the things that are important to us what other people say and do doesn't effect us as much at all. When we are overwhelmed with our thoughts and have trouble trusting ourselves it is helpful to have a notebook that is full of reflections of who we are, definitions of life, and what we believe in. Create a book for yourself, collect your thoughts, gather images, pictures, quotes that help you believe in yourself and support your path. Define ideas like... I AM LOVE PROTECTION BALANCE FREEDOM PEACE PLAYLISTS FOR LOVE PLAYLISTS FOR FOCUS ENERGY WHAT IS FUN WHAT DO I BELIEVE IN LIGHT DARKNESS .... There are unlimited possibilities, the more you define and believe in the more secure you will be. Plus....IT IS SOOO MUCH FUN!!! Your book is a reflection of YOU...make it beautiful.

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