I'd like to start over with you
CRIMSON - Oct 27 2020 at 15:08
This guy I really fell for and I had a bad fall out. It resulted in him filling a restraining order against me. I don't think I deserved that because I could tell he did it to diss me and make me feel less than. I cyber stalked him thinking it would bring us closer. I was hurt mot only by the rejection but the fact that he was ok with lying to people about us and not taking the opportunity to talk it out with me. The restraing order is a year long. The first court hearing I felt was unfair . it was over the phone and I wasn't called because they forgot I gave them my number and I don't feel they took the time to hear me out. Now this guy has his own personal issues but I admire him after we got to know eachother. He can be cold and dishonest underneath his charming persona. I am hurt because I have to live with the embarrassment of being bullied by the guy I fell for. I really want us to work things out. I can't convince him to acknowledge his mistakes and apologize . I would like to know if there is a way to speak to the court to let them know I have no ill intentions with this guy. I adore him and just want us to start over and be civil. I understand my actions made him uncomfortable. It feels now he wants to convince everyone im crazy and don't deserve to be heard. I don't think i deserve another restraining order but I also don't feel the justice system will hear me out.
Thank You!!
Hey, I hope you get well soon! My English students are learning how to give advices and suggestions and they created something for you.
You must talk to him about the problem. You mustn't have a relationship with him. You should be friends with him.
If it's necessary, you should block him on social media.
Hope you get better!