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Expanding family

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I am wanting advice, my husband and I have 2 beautiful kids when we first discussed having children we agreed that 3 kids no more so all along that has been the plan we have been through a rough couple of years and it hasn't been the right time for another child we now have our life back on track and when I bought up the subject of possibly having another kids in maybe a year year and a half he said no we aren't having another and I was gutted he said he is too old I am 31 he is 39, so I completely understand where he is coming from and I respect that and when I have tried to discuss it with him his only response is just be happy with what you have got I still have my heart set on another child and even after months I am still struggling to come to terms with the fact I will never have another child,what I really want to know is am I being unreasonable to my husband by still wanting another kid? Has anyone else been through something similar, I just feel as though after planning on having 3 kids and then him changing his mind (even though the age thing I really do understand) I feel like he should of discussed it with me I'm feeling as though the decision has been taken completely out of my hands and I have no say and it is eating me away inside am I wrong for feeling this way or do I just find a way to deal with it he will not discuss it with me

Expanding family

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I, too, am curious as to why you're gutted about not having another child. I don't think you're too old.'s not like having 2 kids isn't a perfectly decent number. What is it about a third that somehow makes things better?

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