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Hi Alll Been with my hubby 20yrs now and all was fantastic until 7 years ago he was a naughty boy (let’s say) I was devastated to say the least!!! A lot of unhappiness was about for some months and thought as I loved him I would forgive him! If I’m honest since that time I have never trusted my husband but tried my best to get on lives together as this is and was I believe totally out of character for him (I’m no fool I know what he did) my husband is nit very sociable at the best of times quite grumpy lol he’s not a mixer as they say! So lol this year my street had a party and we would never go in a million years as it’s not our thing so to my COPLETE surprise after popping out he had to drive through the party to be able to park the car! At this street party was an actractive girl with nice shorts on and boobbies out lol as the sun was blazing next thing I know (as I was dozing in the settee) I went outside and could hear the party especially my hubby all having a great time which I was both shocked and hurt as this is not normal behavior from hubby! I listened for over an hour he didn’t say anything wrong but was acting like a dick!!! He then took a drink (nice girl he didn’t even know) laughing and joking with all again!! Then heard him say he was gonna get more drinks so I run in the room lol he did pop his head in the room as said ok luv lol as you can imagine he didn’t go back out to the party!!! All I want is him to tbh and say the only reason he went to the party was because of this girl ( confident boost) but makes so many excuse I’m worn out!!!!!!! Help is it me???

Suggestions please

NEW GIRL profile image
Looks like you need to confront him about it once he sobers up. It's hard to tell why he wanted to go to the party, it might be because he hasn't went there for ages (like you said) and wants to have a good time. And then he gets very drunk. But we can't be sure. So it's best to talk to him about it.

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