Marriage and masturbation

JACK220 - Nov 26 2020 at 12:19
I have been married for 6 six years and together for 10 years. My wife simply refuses to make love to me, she consummated the marriage on the first night but ha simply refused to have intimate relations since. I am 62 she is 58. I masturbate to relieve the sexual feelings but she says that I am betraying her. I simply do not know what to do. Plaese help.
If your wife is unwilling to have sex, you may have to push the issue. Sex is an important part of marriage. Maybe recommend counseling, or worst case scenario...divorce.
As for the masturbating, she has no right to complain if she isn't willing to be intimate with you.
Have suggested counselling, she wont go I have been not really much help, except that I undertand it now, think she simply wants me to give up on the idea of sex with her, we now sleep in separate beds. thankyou for your advice.
I'm sorry to hear that. Is it something you are willing to live with? Maybe a trial separation, could shock her into action.
Honestly, 6 years with no interest from her? I'd start wondering if she's getting it somewhere else.