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Relationship advice

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Hi , Me and my girlfriend had a big argument and I would like to sort things out with her.She said she isn't speaking with me until I speak to someone and get help. It's all because I told her I would never lie to her but I have. It wasn't a big lie but still I lied. I was drinking energy drinks and unhealthy fizzy drinks and she said I should stop. Yesterday I promised to her that I would never drink them again. But today I went to the shop and bought one but she found the empty can in my coat pocket. I know it's not a big thing to lie about but still I lead. We had a massive argument in the house and she went to our room but I kept trying to get in to talk to her and I was kicking the for and pushing it to get in. Also we had problems before where I was getting jealous about her and her guy freind but we sorted out this problem and I know that I will never get jealous again. Last night she said she doesn't know why she is with me anymore because we have too much drama. I don't know how to make her trust me again because now she isn't going to believe me for anything. Although I would never cheat on her or lie to her about something more serious than this Please could some give me some advice I really don't want to lose her because I love her and I know she loves me. Usually we are very happy together when we don't have these kind of problems. It is always me making stupid mistakes.

Relationship advice

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Don't walk, but run in the other direction. A huge fight over drinking energy drinks? She is the one causing the drama over petty things.

Relationship advice

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Don't take advice from other people on forums is my best advice

Relationship advice

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If you don't have any imminent health issues with drinking sugar or energy drinks, and they're not affecting your behaviour in any way, then your GF has no right to tell you to stop drinking them. It not up to you to agree with her that you'll stop drinking them, it's up to you to stop if you have to, for whatever the reasons, other than keep her happy. You guys need to understand that they can be addictive if they're abused, and it takes some people awhile to ween themselves off of them if they have to... She needs to support you rather than argue with you and vice versa, and going by your post, you guys need to learn to talk your issues through without the BS and drama that goes with it...locking you out of the room achieved bugger all, apart from the fact that she over reacted to your action. Yep, you lied, you can't get away from that, but ask yourself if that's just one of the issues that are going on with your relationship or are there other underlying things as well?

Relationship advice

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I will talk to her about it and see if we can find a solution. I'll give up the drinks anyway because they are not good for your health and I only drink them when I am stressed. Also I'll talk to her next time if we have a problem, because arguments and shouting usually only make things worse. It's better to sit down and discuss things properly so that we can understand each other better. Also I need to gain her trust because I don't usually lie about big things anyway so I want her to trust me fully. Thank you everyone for the advice I really appreciate it.

Relationship advice

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I moved in with her 7 months ago and she said she doesn't like my clothes and I had to throw alot of them away because she said they were not nice. I didn't like it but I thought that she was only trying to help me look better when we go out together. Also I said I don't like seafood but she keeps trying to make me eat it and making me feel guilty if I cannot eat it.

Relationship advice

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She sounds very controlling. You need to make a decision about whether or not you want someone like this in your life. As great as you may think she is, it sounds like she has some major control issues.

Relationship advice

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That's controlling behaviour and she has a problem and it's hers to sort. All you have to do is make up your mind whether you want to spend your time with someone who makes demands and expects you to meet them in every way, including eating food you don't like. If she loved you as you post that she does, she would accept all of you just the way you are. You need to understand that she doesn't own you, never has and never will regardless if you love her. .

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