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Help!!!!!! My boyfriend likes transgender

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I recently caught my boyfriend cheating with transgender escorts I Don’t know what to do or how to see I’m feel empty. He does not know That I know. I fear he may try to Harm me if I told him I knew. I love him but everyday my mind just can’t get over it and pretending like everything is ok is taking a toll on me mentally.

Help!!!!!! My boyfriend likes transgender

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Walk away. Ignoring the sexual attractions of your bf, which are apparently different from your relationship and have come as quite a shock to you. He also is cheating on you, and that is unacceptable as well.

Help!!!!!! My boyfriend likes transgender

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Regardless of who your BF cheated with, cheating is still cheating and he'll keep on doing it. If you can't safely confront him and discuss it with him, then you need to end it with him because he'll eventually pick up from your demeanour that you know.

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