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About to begin personal counselling

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I am looking to go into counselling for my mental health. I feel like what I am doing isn’t getting me anywhere and with lockdown I just can’t cope. Has anyone been through it before?

About to begin personal counselling

BLUEBIRD11 profile image
Hey Thomas, It's quite common what you are going through. Sometimes the fact that we are working and with other people makes dealing with stuff easier. But when you are at home, alone or more time cocooning with yourself, things can get out of hand for some people. Anxiety grows and it can get worse if there's already something going on before the lockdown. Do what you feel it's the best for you. And if you wanna talk. Well, we are here to help.

About to begin personal counselling

AJM248 profile image
STHOMAS, I agree with BLUEBIRD it is unquestionably common what you are going through. The pandemic has certainly provoked a sense of loneliness and unprecedented stress. One thing that I think helps is to recognize that in reality you are not alone. The entire world is facing the mess this pandemic has caused. This may seem cliche but try and look at all the good things you have in your life no matter how big or small they are. These are the things that are worth focusing on. Remember also of the possibility of new good things. Keep your mind open and be patient. Although it sucks the way things are now will not last forever continue to move forward everyday by focusing on the good you have an eventually you will find yourself in a better place. Good Luck.

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