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WARTARD profile image
Hey man Just looking for advice on what I can do just in case my doctor doesn't put me on clapixol right away I'm paranoid and constantly here voices It feels like everything's against me Seems like I'm paying for things I did in my previous life Just because I was hit by a car and got my brain damaged when I was 5 Witch makes it more easier to get paranoid I just want to not be so paranoid before I leave this earth Before the real torcher begins in the afterlife


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Follow your Dr/Therapists instructions and ask for coping mechanisms. Is really all that I can suggest, I am not skilled enough to offer more than basic advice, sorry. Maybe take up a hobby or start exercising at home. Anything to take your mind off of it. Plus, I've heard (from working at youth facilities) that physical exercise can help the mind heal and function better.


BLUEBIRD11 profile image
Hey Wartard, Do you just hear voices or you can also see them? What sort of things do tell you? Do they act like accurate personas in your mind? Or more like judging voices? Are you already diagnosed since the accident? First you shouldn't be alone. You can't skip medication. And you should call the hotline. Plus, meds only without behavioral therapy wont work.


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Wartard, Hello. What a terrible accident to happen when you were so little. It sounds like the effects of such an accident made life difficult for you. I can't help but wonder if you are experiencing a great deal of anxiety and possibly shame or guilt from some past experiences that may be causing you to be so paranoid. You may consider talking with a counselor, therapist, or life coach to give some perspective. Also, I am not sure of your beliefs but if you have a Bible handy if not google works also, I would like to offer these verses to read, Romans 8:31-39. May these words bring you some comfort and peace today and with your future concerns.

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