Help my boyfriend spends all his spare time playing video games!!

HL0010 - Jan 24 2021 at 16:56
<font style="color: orange;">(Edited)</font> My boyfriend and I have been together for a few years now and he spends most of his spare time playing on the PlayStation!
We both work busy jobs throughout the days/weekends, he gets home late evening and goes straight to play on the PlayStation! We only really get to see each other when we are having dinner. We are currently living with Family so even then it’s not time to ourselves.
I feel so drained from all this, I feel we spend zero quality time together and the time we do spend is used with me trying to express how I feel, which ends up turning into an argument! However He doesn’t seem to see a problem with it!
This causes me to spend a lot of time over thinking this situation, is it me in the wrong? Do I nag too much? Cause all arguments? Do I just get over it?
I would love some advice and others thoughts on this please!
<font style="color: orange;">(Edited)</font> The family takes it in turns to do the cooking, for our other house I do and bills we all share.
I feel on evenings and Sundays (we work Saturdays) when we do have opportunities to spend time together, he chooses to play games instead! I appreciate everyone is entitle to time alone, but it feels like he doesn’t want to spend anytime with me!
As stated he doesn’t see the problem and thinks I cause the arguments by going on about it!
It's a good chance that your guy is addicted to PlayStation and gaming. He could be relying on it to destress from work but he still should be planning & spending quality time with you. You either accept it or you give him an ultimatum because you're basically in the right & never mind you being a nag.
When he throws it back at you, he's not listening to you & is just creating an ever widening rift between you guys. He needs to understand that relationships are hard work & need constant input from both partners. He's failing by being focused on something else which takes him away from you. Sure, we all need our space at times, but not to the detriment of our relationship. It won't be easy, but it's up to you to conversate with him & get him to negotiate some time away from the technology.
The guy needs to understand that he if needs to be with you, then he has a responsibility to you & your relationship together...he can't have his cake & eat it as well.
Do they love you, like you, care yore? If they do, It is ok. Fammily is family...
First off I am so sorry your own parents didn't accept you for who you are. You are a human being that has feelings and that must of felt awful knowing that the loving christian parents you knew cut you off and out of their lives. I think that is awful for them to do that. They should have shown love for you. I would definitely have my attorney explain things and I would not sign it. I think you deserve to grant your father's wishes as it was on the will. It is not being spiteful but I think you should keep things how they are. That is what he wanted. It will also help you since they cut you off and not their other children because they were "normal" and you did not fall into their norm of how you should be. That is very shallow and unloving. They showed the opposite of what a good christian person should be. You made your life choice and its not even a choice, it is who you are and a parent's duty is to love their children. They might not agree in your life style or whatever but they should love you and support you and let you live and be happy. Do not sign. Good luck. Keep being you❤