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Am I wrong or right?

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Dear all, I would appreciate advise/opinion from all of you. I and she (Philippine Girl) fall in love 3 months back. I dont doubt her character but the problem is her online life on facebook and a game 8 ball pool. She have few friends on Facebook and few on pool game, they all send her love invitations almost every time they talk since many months. she show me sometimes, yesterday she show me a screen shot from her game, a man asking him

Am I wrong or right?

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thank you. we had few meetings during my visit there, everything looks fine, i met her family, friends, cousins, i didnt feet anything wrong, but since her online style became a headache for me,

Am I wrong or right?

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You've visited just once, have only been talking online for 3 months, and you're in love? And you're jealous of people in her online world, that she clearly isn't trying to hide? Whatever you feel, that's not love. How old are you?? How old is she?

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