Drinking in lockdown
ALCOHOL ABUSE - Mar 1 2021 at 17:14
Anyone who has been struggling in lockdown, feel free to share your stories and experiences below. And any tips on how to control your consumption of alcohol.
I have had issues with lockdown b.s. for sure.
For medical reasons, I cannot wear a mask. Because of this I have been openly discriminated against in many businesses, even though our Governors mask mandate allows for medical exemptions. During 1 week I was actually kicked out of 3 separate businesses. That type of discrimination certainly leaves a lasting impression, and I hate feeling like a victim (as I'm sure everyone does). Add to that, that my marriage wasn't doing well at the time and that meant that even my home wasn't a haven for me.
I sank into a depression and tried to hide from everyone. What snapped me out of it, was that one day I was working on something and it went horribly wrong (it added at least another hour to the job), and I lost it. I was throwing things, punching stuff etc. Finally getting all my frustration out and it helped bring me around. I did end up damaging about $300 worth of stuff, but it was cheaper than therapy lol.
It's been a couple weeks since then, and I am doing better. So my recommendation would be to physically burn off the stress, preferably before it gets to the point I was at and without damaging things.
As for drinking, for me it is easy. I just don't drink. I have in the distant past, and I personally have nothing against it, I would just prefer to spend my money on other things that aren't as damaging to my body.
I'm having a hard time of it, to be honest. The only real break from me between "work" and "not work" is the drink I have once work is over. And I live alone so am lonely.
I've tried to just "not drink" and honestly, it makes the days feel like there's literally nothing to look forward to. The best I've been able to do is drink less. (e.g. I have 2 drinks vs. 4) Even that's a bit hard, but I remind myself that I'm happier and less depressed when I do that.
The spring is also coming. I think things will be a lot better when there's sunlight again.