Players gonna play

SUGARQUBE58 - Mar 6 2021 at 05:13
Well where to start... Theres this guy that I love. I have known him for almost 7 years and we dated for a short while and then he changed to fwb.
I went along with that for awhile, until I had enough. He had basically a harem of women that he associated with.
I could never trust him. I never knew who he was going to be with and it drove me crazy,so I eliminated myself from his life for several months and he blocked me on the phone and I'm still blocked.
Well last week, after going there and staying the night,(No sex by the way) o He messaged me and said he still loved me and wanted me to be his gf, so I finally got some balls and told him that the only way I'd agree to that, is if he agreed to take things slowly and I told him that I was not gonna go through what I did, last time.
I also told him I wouldn't be his 2nd or 3rd choice like before either and that if he wanted any of his other exes, I wouldn't stay around.
So things went ok for the first day or two and then I wasn't feeling well and I couldn't go over there.So he went from texting me in the mornings and saying good morning to Nothing. Just ignoring my texts.
My women's intuition told me something was off and I just happened to hear from his mom. She asked if I'd heard from him and I told her I had, the other day and he was fine.
Then the next day when I contacted her, she told me that she thought he was at one if his exes place.
I didn't tell her that we had just started seeing each other.
I don't understand why he initiated wanting me to be his gf when he was just gonna screw around.
What kind of guy does that?
My question is, how should I handle this? Should I wait to see what he says and how he explains not talking to me for a few days?
What kind of guy does that? You said it in your header. Players do that.
Will he change? He promised and he didn't. (And while I can't 100% say he won't, it sure seems like he's not trying.)
Why would he ask you to be his girlfriend if he was just going to screw around? My guess is that he doesn't want to be eliminated from your life, but also doesn't want to give up screwing around with other women. So...he's trying to have it both ways.
How should you handle it? IDK. I guess it all depends on what you want. If you're OK with him screwing around on you, I guess
But from the above, I don't think it is. (I'm also going to note that, at least in my experience, the more time you spend with someone who *isn't* right, the harder it is to find someone who is.) I think you deserve better than this and should go back to eliminating yourself from his life.
He initiated for one reason. His booty calls were getting a little lower than he wanted them to be, so he tried to re-add you to the list. When you weren't feeling well, it became too much hassle and he didn't get the fast gratification he was looking for.