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I hate blokes!

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DeAR all, i have been with my boyfriend for nearly two years and since we met we see each other everyday and after just couple of months being together we decided to move in together and bougth a little puppy whom we love so much.anyway my relationship with him wasnt great at first as so many people trying to ruin it!!! sound like a happy relationship but it isnt at atll, First of all he had a history with this girl, they met at first then me came along and now we end up together. The problem is he cheated on me with this girl, all my freinds describe her as a proper minger and I just couldnt let go of what happend till now.. so i met a really fit muscly bloke in a pub and we just connect starigth away... couple of days we flirted each other all nite, and after couple of months we have sex 3x and i dont feel quilty at all for cheating on my boyfreind!!! i mean he cheated on me more than once and lasted for 1 month now i got him back i had an affair with this barman on/off for a year..

I hate blokes!

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sooo. wts your problem?? i think if a guy cheats so can you, and if he finds out and breaks up with you then stuff him. theres plenty more fish in the sea. and to be honest by the sounds of this you dont seem happy anyway so i think you should put u both out of your misery and finish with each other. people dont cheat unless they have a good enough reson 2. and 9 times out of 10 its because they aint happy with the partner they've got now so just end it

I hate blokes!

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Good for you boyz like that diserve to be dumped i have had the same problem u do wats best for u not him.

I hate blokes!

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2 wrongs dont make a right im afraid

I hate blokes!

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May I make the point tho that not all guy cheat on there girl friend because there unhappy, if they can't stick to just 1 gal. See I'm in the position that as much as ull think its rediculas as im only 16, but my ex i genrally did love her I would of given her the world and more if I could but I have the problem of wanting more than 1 gal. I'm sure you all know what its like when your with someone and the things happen and that you know it is you just don't want it 2 bt on the other hand you do, after you feel bad but its to late. Ive bin in this position many times but I think da others are partly right and you did'nt do wrong going with that other guy.

I hate blokes!

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Now you people are quite scary because none of you display any intelligence or even the basic ability to spell simple words from your mother tongue. The scary bit is that you are all just shagging around and I would suspect without protection thus making more stupid and poorly raised people. On the other hand, when I get an hour or so off from my job I confess to enjoying the Jeremy Kyle show Not too many episodes as it become repetitive but just a few, and where would that be without people like you? My advice is to keep cheating, making babies and taking drugs or alcohol because then I can tune in and have a bit of entertainment when there is nothing interesting on the news. Thank you all very much. If you could sleep with relatives that would be even better because I enjoy Jerry Springer even more. I cannot watch it often as work and family take most of my time but please do your best so that my tv time is delicious.

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