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I don't know where I stand with this girl or what to do? Any advice?

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Hi, basically, I have been speaking to this girl for literally months as we can't meet due to distance and quarantine. Anyway, she suddenly because distant and she has done it before. The first time I gave her the space even though I found it a bit harsh. This time though, I decided to "end it" and basically told her nicely that I do not like this treatment and would rather speak to someone else. She apologised and agreed with we should stop as she simply can't put in the time and that I deserve to be happy. I asked if was because she doesn't like me anymore. She gave an honest answer and said it's not that, she doesn't have time to date and sometimes takes time for herself. I told her I didn't realise and said it would be a shame if we did not meet and she agreed and she apologised for being so abrupt and should have spoken to me about it. Are we still on good ground? Shall I leave her be for now? Thank you.

I don't know where I stand with this girl or what to do? Any advice?

SKYLAR profile image
You're not. Waste of time... move on to the next one. Don't waste your time, if you want to be in a relationship with someone worthy you have to first believe you deserve it. If you can't even believe that you're already in trouble. There are billions of people out there, you have one life to live, don't waste it begging for love when someone out there is willing to give it to you honestly. The right relationship isn't complicated, you won't even have to question yourself.

I don't know where I stand with this girl or what to do? Any advice?

TARANTULA profile image
[The right relationship isn't complicated] When you can talk easily with a girl/boy (even better,make them smile) then you know that you have something special with that person. CCRAIG98: Give this girl space (she doesn't have time to date and sometimes takes time for herself.) (and said it would be a shame if we did not meet and she agreed and she apologised for being so abrupt and should have spoken to me about it.) Shame if you (both) didn't meet.You're in with a chance!! :)

I don't know where I stand with this girl or what to do? Any advice?

786 profile image
Now a days' Why people need everything so quick!!! My friend she is a girl not a not a fast food so show some respect and treat her as a girl only you need to understand that girls always choose perfect and pure person for a relationship for that she need time to decide, only boys think that if girl talk Easley then she is ready for bed!!(bitter but true) So please if you showing rush then you lose her if you really care then gave her time and space as much as she need it for make there mind If not then do as "SKYLAR" mansion "There are billions of people out there" so move on

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