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Worry to much

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My husband had his prostrate removed four and half years ago. We manage to have sex at least 3 times a week but he as to use a pump to help it along and it’s different then it used to be. I always worry if I’m enough for him in the bedroom and wonder if he thinks of other women to help him come. He as looked at porn for years in the past and I wouldn’t be surprised if he still doesn’t now. I do not like it and told him this as it hurt me to even know he had looked at it, I felt I was not good enough. He told me he had watched it when I was out so sometimes if I go out I wonder if he is watching it, he tells me he doesn’t but he’s not going to tell me the truth is he. He says he as enough problems with what he as had done to him and he worries if he is satisfying me. He says he is not a real man anymore. I don’t know why I worry if I’m satisfying him in bed. I dress up, we have oral, not very often as I can give and take with it but I think he would like more of it. I feel he doesn’t worry if I’m happy in bed and as long as he gets his pleasure he’s ok. Why do I worry about satisfying him when he is the one who as had something removed not me. Could he be thinking of other women like the porn stars when we have sex.

Worry to much

TARANTULA profile image
[Could he be thinking of other women like the porn stars when we have sex.] When you think like this it puts the wrong kind of thoughts in your mind. [I feel he doesn’t worry if I’m happy in bed and as long as he gets his pleasure he’s ok.] You worry that "his pleasure" is not you. To start with,please talk to each other about this[You worry that "his pleasure" is not you.]

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