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Feeling cheated

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Hello All.. This is Mr.D from India. I am married for 3+ years now. My wife had hit menopause before marriage. Their family never disclosed this to us. She was also diabetic before marriage. This was also not disclosed to us. I feel cheated and agonised. I haven't told my family about this. In a great dilemma. Need your advice folks..

Feeling cheated

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I am not interested in anyone else..

Feeling cheated

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@ SUSIEDQQ Point is not a good Partner or a bad partner. and I also know that it's not in her hand to be menopausal and diabetic but!!! Being honest with someone is in her hand because in the beginning of any relationship based on honesty and loyalty that is missing so it's obvious that marriage is going to be unhappy after knowing. Yes it's a Cheating with Mr.D not from her family its Cheating with him from her wife She should let him know     Now after some time Family start applying pressure on Mr. D to plan a baby so it's better to tell your family that what is going on in your relation, Now if you hide something big like that with her and her family then after knowing what is the reaction ? now it's totally up to You Mr.D And your Options are to leave her or keep her and if your religion allow you for 2nd wife go for it ...   

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