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For several months, I have been helping my neighbour with her personal problems, she has stated that she doesn't find me attractive sexualy, but yet she asks me to rub her back and feet and on more than one occasion she has asked me to perform oral sex on her or other things sexualy. Every time she climaxes, she grew up, cleans herself and states again she doesn't find me attractive and the whole cycle begins again, I sit with her and let her talk her problems out,it feels like she gets me to satisfy her needs and my head is spinning, I do like her, but feel she's using me. I'm inexperienced with women and don't want to push her, but it's disheartening every time it happens.


TARANTULA profile image
It’s too bad that you keep repeating this activity that makes you feel “disheartening “ You are getting tired of being used. That’s good because you are getting an inkling of the reality of the situation. Block her - totally and free yourself to find a healthy relationship I agree with SUSIEDQQ


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If a person repeatedly makes you feel bad, then you don't need that person in your life.


2021MONA profile image
Is she married? Sounds like a game to me she is playing unless she is married!


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No, she's not married, she's been single for a few years


786 profile image
Move on Man what are you waiting for ? she is taking you for granted !!! just move on otherwise you are getting depress, Simple Man ignore her n move on find some other girl

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