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Night shift moods

BOULOUKA profile image
My partner is used to having a drink everynight in the pub but is now working night shifts so can only drink during the weekend. He has become grumpy and moody with me and I feel I'm walking on eggshells. Is this why he's character has changed. He says that the one day he is off work he will do a marathon run at the pub. His mood swings affect me as I take them personally and feel he hates me.

Night shift moods

2021MONA profile image
Sounds like he has an alcohol dependency and well it might not be bad right now but in the future it can get ugly, so you need to adres this problem with your partner A.S.A.P.

Night shift moods

BOULOUKA profile image
He knows.☹️

Night shift moods

Default profile image
'He knows' he´s an alcoholic?, you mean?, and that he experiences withdrawal symptoms which he takes out on you (as do they mostly all)?

Night shift moods

Default profile image
Have you tried Googling something like, living with an alcoholic, yet?

Night shift moods

BOULOUKA profile image
Will do. He isn't physically abusive or violent and can go days without drinking but obviously effects his moods. Remembers absolutely everything he says or what anyone else says the next day when he's on his drinking binge. Checking google now . Thanks

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