My partner used Covid to leave a 6 year relationship

KATIEHOLMES - Apr 22 2021 at 11:34
I have Covid. My partner for 6 years has been cheating on me. Today, he said he can’t never come because he doesn’t want to catch Covid. He says he is never coming back, moving to a new place. Leaving me stranded for rent and gave me the 1-800- number for Assistance. Does anyone think that he used Covid to leave this relationship is cold, mean, and cruel? I was in shock. What does anyone think of this? After 6 years?
Yes, I spent 6 yrs with him. Never thought he would do this, but before this he did so many awful things to me. All mentally, emotionally, abusive, now he’s trying to ruin me.
You said he was cheating on you. Of course he would do something crappy like this. He obviously lacks moral fiber.
It’s so devastating. Aren’t partners supposed to be supportive. I could have died. Lying in bed feeling so sick with Covid. He chose Covid as an excuse. What’s worse is that he has money, the very least he could have did was pay his portion of rent. Such lame excuse to just take off. I feel like this person wasted 6 yrs of my life, that everything we ever went through in 6 yrs was for nothing. NADA,...,,,,yes, I cried in bed. I never thought I feel like this. I hate Corvid so bad.
Thanks for the support. I need to get over this somehow. He is not the only guy on this earth. I am so fed up of being in the wrong relationships. This is why I think I need to focus on myself now. Too much time wasted.
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this KATIEHOLMES. But yes using COVID is an excuse and a really bad one at that. There is no virus. Now instead of trying to convince you of this PLEASE research what the effects are of 60Ghz. on OXYGEN (by the way 5G operates at 60Ghz.).
I think what you said about focusing on yourself is the correct decision, but don't focus too long, that is to say try not to make a habit out of being alone unless you are 100% comfortable with that lifestyle. I can relate I have only been in three relationships in my life (in love only once) and all three cheated on me. I was a front man for a late 90's early 2000's hardcore band and was very social until I got my heart crushed. So like you are planning I swore off dating and relationships in general.. well I have not had a relationship or relations with a woman in 13 years.
I got too comfortable being alone.. Now for the most part I enjoy the lifestyle but there are times that I would give my right arm just to walk down a boardwalk holding hands with a woman... I know I am rambling .... lol sorry.. Just don't shut down completely.