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Social media challenge

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Occasionally I have posted issues here and the advice has been excellent. I'm not sure this is actually a problem but it bothers me. A family member was in a romantic relationship for three years. This was a long distance relationship where they barely ever saw each other. They pretty much stopped seeing each other at the beginning of 2020. At some point in early March of 2021 the two had an actual conversation about their (sham)"relationship" and agreed to go their separate ways. My family member moved on. His romantic partner, not so much. She has been using Facebook as a revenge mechanism, making 4 to 5 posts a day explaining what a rotten person my family member is. This has been going on for months. For me, this is cringe inducing. I haven't said anything to anyone, she's making a fool of herself IMHO. I'm seriously considering flagging her Facebook account for rule violations. Should I do this or should I stay out of it?

Social media challenge

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What rule violations? Having an unhappy love affair? How about you block her? How about, you have no idea what *someone else's* relationship was like? How about you only know what your family member told you, so you know *exactly* half the story? There's an old, old, saying: He who excuses himself, accuses himself. The more you advocate for your relative, the more you simply agitate her, and cause her to reiterate her point.

Social media challenge

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While you have good intentions, it's your family member's responsibility to do something about his character being dragged down via FB. All you can do is tell him what's going on if he doesn't know already, but it's up to him to do something about it if he thinks it's worth while. Yep, she sure is making a fool of herself but you can do either of two things - sit back and do your head in watching her continue to do so, or just ignore it and get on with your life.

Social media challenge

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I don't think blocking will help. It remains to be ignored here.

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