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My ex wants to be friends - what does this really mean??

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It's been just over a month since I ended our relationship. We were not in touch until he recently reached out to me. We got along really well in our relationship in terms of the things we had in common, goals etc. I still love him and do feel I should have given our relationship a better chance. Bottom line is that if he wanted to get back together I most likely would be willing. Since he reached out we've been having some nice conversations, however, I was left wondering what it is he really wanted. He called me a day ago and we talked for nearly two hours. He mentioned coming to see me, going biking etc. But most importantly, he did mention that he wanted to be friends...that he wanted to have me in his life. He did make it clear it will be hard to sit on my couch...that he didn't thing he could handle that right now, as he feels neither of us could resist the temptation of becoming intimate. He acknowledges the fact that we still love each other and said he's not sure what the future holds, but right now he really wants to continue doing things together. I was honest with him in telling him I still have feelings for him, but I too would like to have him in my life. I agreed with respecting the boundaries. With this all said I do have some questions: Is there any hope of us getting back together? Is he open to getting back together in the future or is he just lonely? My inclination is to accept the friendship (I do want to) and see it just as that. But I don't know if I should simply give up and be just friends or still try to work things out by taking it nice and slow. I'm not sure what to do, as I feel he's testing the waters to see where I stand etc.

My ex wants to be friends - what does this really mean??

SONANGELA7 profile image
I think it's better to try than refuse and then regret it all my life.

My ex wants to be friends - what does this really mean??

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You don't say why you broke up. Does only one of you want children? do you live in different places and neither one of you wants to move? Different religions? One of you wants marriage and one doesn't? You got along well and had "things in common, goals," but you broke up, so have the things that broke you up disappeared magically? If nothing changed, nothing changed. It's tempting, but short-sighted, to get back together because each of you are lonely and you miss doing 'couples' things. In the end, the two of you called it quits. Honey, every day you spend with Mr. Right Now is 24 hours you aren't available for a date with Mr. Right.

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