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What to do

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Okay. I am new here but need advice. I've been with my current boyfriend for almost 5 years and we have a child together. It's been a very exhausting 5 years. Constantly fighting. Me leaving and then coming back in hopes it will work (it never does). It's just a matter of time before out next argument and fallout. He hates my family and we spend more time apart then we do together. Tonight, a family friend of mine came clean and said he likes me and wants to take me on a date (I've known him since I was 3 and have had a crush on him since I was 9). Now to me this is huge and wish he would have told me before I decided to come back to my boyfriend. I dont know what to do. My relationship is horrible but I always come back in hopes (and the fear of being alone) but even since I came back, we haven't touched eachother and just seem to silently argue. I'm strongly thinking that this is it but am I just not trying because of this news. Or do I really feel this relationship is hopeless and have only stuck around because we own a house and have a child together. I am so unhappy and I feel he is the same but we just keep holding onto whatever hope might be left, that I don't think is there.

What to do

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It sounds like your current situation stinks, but don't make this new guy act as you savior. Leaving because you've gotten a better offer is a dick move, because a new person with all new sexual energy and flirting and no bad experiences will always be more appealing. Your spouse or partner has dirty socks that never make it to the hamper and hasn't taken a turn doing the dishes in weeks. It's not fair to compare the two. Leave your relationship. Move out, take the child, arrange for financial support for him/her, get your own place and be done with the current man. You haven't been specific about exactly what you're arguing about, but it sounds like the relationship has run it's course. Then date whoever you want. And yeah, face the possibility of being alone, at least for a little while, with the understanding that sometimes no partner at all is a better situation than one who doesn't suit you.

What to do

ARABELLA5 profile image
I think that the old relationship is worth ending a long time ago. They have no future, only emotional exhaustion. Give yourself a break before starting a new relationship.

What to do

SONANGELA7 profile image
I think it's time for you to really end this stage in your life and be open to the new only after completing the old

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