My drinking just got caught. I'm fucked
LILLYE - Sep 4 2021 at 10:24
Im a divorced mother if 2 boys. I've had painkiller addiction in the past that I've pulled my self out of. But now alcohol took that place. My father keeps many bottles of scotch in the wine rack. I've drunk them all. I was planing on replacing them when I had the money, but my mother found it.
My parents have no sympathy when it comes to drug or alcohol abuse, they think its dumb and we can control ourselves easy as stopping and thinking.
They found out a few minutes ago and I know when I wake up tomorrow in going to get attacked for it. I don't know what the fuck to go. I'm scared as this is my only home I have at the moment. Any help please be kind, im at my end and I feel death is better than this.
Seriously? You're thinking it would be easier to die, than to have an honest conversation with people that love you and want to help you?
You aren't going to like my advice, but I think you need to hear it. You have some growing up to do. You have 2 kids and you're still doing this crap. You need to accept accountability and move on from this.
My recommendation is to talk to your folks tomorrow. Tell them you are sorry, and offer to pay for the liquor. Ask them to not replace the liquor though, and to make it an alcohol free home to help you get over your addiction. After that, you are going to need to either go into rehab or join AA. If just joining AA, ask if one of them would go with you. It will keep you accountable, and also provide a support system.