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My boyfriend was perfect for me and suddenly dumped me out of the blue

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Ive been with my now ex boyfriend for a year, we had just celebrated our 1 year anniversary one month ago and both our birthdays 3 weeks ago which we went away for and had the best time ever. A week ago he asked to talk and told me over the last 2 weeks he didnt feel the same anymore and he doesnt know why but he cant lead me on so he wanted to end things. I was completely devastated especially as i was so blindsided and had no idea this was coming i had seen him 2 nights before the breakup and everything was fine and he was planning things to do with me for the week ahead and acting normal. The night before the break up i went to a club with some friends and i was talking to some boys there who i knew and who one of my friends was getting with. One of the boys posted a video with me in the background on his public story which my boyfriend saw and he was pretty annoyed and ignored me the whole day after allthough all i did was stand there talking. He has been jealous in the past and sometimes when boys give me atrention allthough i am always loyal and tell them i have a boyfriend i feel bad sometimes to tell them to go away so it ends up them getting conversation out of me. This made me think that maybe he didnt lose feelings for me but he didnt like the way i acted around boys and that put him off me or maybe because his friends all saw the video of me he feels embarrassed to have a girlfriend who acts like that. I dont believe that he doesnt love me anymore or lost feelings that quick as he treated me like a queen, he spoiled me to death and i like to think i did the same. He would buy me ecpensive gifts, take me for nice meals out and was always a gentleman. We had an amazing relationship, one that all my friends were jealous of, he wrote me love letters, always wanted to soend time with me, always complimented me, always made me laugh and he told me i was the funniest girl he knew and that he'd never met someone like me before. He also recently made a playlist for me full of our fave songs/songs that remind him of me and like i said before we had just celebrated our 1 year anniversary/birthdays and we had the best time ever and he kept telling me how much he loved me. I dont think i will ever find someone like him and i dont think he will find someone who clicks with him like i do either. I hope he comes back and im trying to be strong and not message him but all i want is for him to say this was a big mistake and that he still loves me.

My boyfriend was perfect for me and suddenly dumped me out of the blue

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Hi, You deserve some sort of explanation, so ask him. When you’re ready and when the time is right. You could be right about the jealousy, if this was on going, he could be insecure? But also sounds like you were both put a lot into this relationship.

My boyfriend was perfect for me and suddenly dumped me out of the blue

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I didnt want to reach out as i am waiting for him to come back and if he doesnt then i guess thats my answer! An update though is today he messaged me asking to meet. I was so happy thinking this was it he was going to say sorry and that he wants me back but no, he wanted me just to come over for sex. I was so angry that he asked me that as if he hadnt broken my heart the week before and that he thinks he can have access to me like that. I said no and said i was annoyed and disappointed with him and he didnt think he had done anything wrong. What does this mean? it makes me less hopeful that he wants me back if he is okay to have sex with me without getting feelings again. I feel worthless now and like he only sees me as a friend with benefits rather than someone he loved/loves

My boyfriend was perfect for me and suddenly dumped me out of the blue

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Be thankful that this guy is your ex BF, because he's not worth your time or your efforts. Yes, be careful, because he'll be back to woo you, get what he wants and then dump you again. You need to wake up to guys like him, and find yourself a guy who may not be perfect, but at least has respect for you as a person.

My boyfriend was perfect for me and suddenly dumped me out of the blue

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Well, for what it's worth, he's being honest. I don't have any idea why he treated you so well (maybe you're remembering it better than it really was?) and now is acting like it doesn't matter. You've seen his true colors - and they aren't pretty.

My boyfriend was perfect for me and suddenly dumped me out of the blue

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Guaranteed, he is pissed that you were at a bar without him, talking to other guys.

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