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Choosing between keeping a baby or not?

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I need some advice for my best friends. They are both early 20's. They have found out that the girl in the relationship is pregnant. She is against abortion. The boy has expressed strongly that he thinks its best for her to have an abortion. He has been depressed since finding out because of not feeling ready and also feeling like having a child now will ruin his life. She is now stuck as to what to do, she wouldnt want an abortion if he wasnt so against a baby but also the fear that he may leave her or grow to resent her and the baby is making her have second thoughts about abortion. Really need some helpful thoughts on this, thanks to anybody here who messages

Choosing between keeping a baby or not?

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If she's against abortion, she can give birth to the baby and put it up for adoption. No, that's not "being a baby factory." Giving birth to a child is not like a Waring blender rolling off the assembly line. That way, they can move on with their lives and decide if they really want to be together. Since over half the couple with unexpected pregnancies didn't use birth control at all, or didn't use it according to directions, they can brush up on their contraception techniques. You know your friends better than anyone: she didn't get pregnant "accidentally on purpose" to wrangle a commitment out of her boyfriend? That's manipulative. And the responsibility is NOT all hers. If boyfriend didn't want a baby, he should have been wearing a condom - even if she was on the pill. That way, if she missed a day or something, the chances for pregnancy are diminished.

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