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Boy help

LOVEISGOD123 profile image
Hi! I am a teen boy in middle school, and there is this other boy in a few of my classes. He is very pretty and openly gay and I think I might be developing a crush on him. The problem is I have no idea how to approach him. I am new at the school and am still trying to get to know everyone. I just don't know if he would even bother with the awkward new gay kid. I've seen him looking at me a few times and I think he thinks I'm strange. Any advice? (this is also my first time posting on here and sorry if I did it wrong:D)

Boy help

Default profile image
Try to sit close to him or talk about something he seems to be passionate about!

Boy help

NIGHTMARE'S PAIN profile image
Just reach out to him! I was in a pretty similar situation when I was in middle school (I'm now in high school), where I saw this really pretty girl, but had no clue on how to talk to her. Usually in this situation, I would probably inch closer to the person slowly at first, and if they return the gestures, maybe such as striking up a conversation, then it could be safe to say that you could get closer. Be yourself! (I swear I'm not taking any of this from a card :D) Most people will fall for those who are honest with others, but more importantly, the honesty with yourself. I hope this helps a little!

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