Am I over reacting to my husband using internet chat rooms to "flirt"

SEXYCHICK - Oct 2 2021 at 22:31
I have been married 20 years. I recently found out that my husband has secretly been chatting and flirting with women in internet chat rooms. He tells these women how beautiful they are, or how sexy they look. He evan told 1 girl that in his eyes, she was the perfect woman. Things he has never told me, evan before we were married. He has sent photos of himself to these women (fully clothed), and women have sent him photos of themselves (again fully clothed). When confronted he denies talking to these women and tells me lies.
In the past he has had a 1 night stand, 3 years ago.
Am I right to be concerned about his behaviour, is it just harmless flirting with nothing to be concerned and just being insecure because of his previous infidelity ?.Or do I have the right to feel very hurt over the comments he is making to these women.
Of course you have every right to be very hurt over the comments he is making to these woman but it's an ongoing thing, going by your post, and you need to decide if you need to be continuously disrespected.
If you can't trust your husband, then you really don't have much of a marriage. You will be insecure & miserable while he does what he does, and then lies about it to your face. It's up to you to decide what you want and need in a relationship.
Thanks for your reply. My husband has made this out to be me over reacting and not wanting me to share him with anyone. He seems to think that no harm is being done aslong as he continues to be my husband and take me on holidays and out for meals. He has the mindset that what I dont know dosent hurt me. I am glad that you said that to me, because deep down I knew I wasnt overeacting.
I think that anyone in your position has the right to feel anger, sadness, hurt and many more emotion. However, it is clear from what you have written that he is not only maybe loosing the love and passion that he had for you one day but he is in denial and is unable to even express to you why he would be doing this in the first place. I think that all I could say is do what you think is best. If he is unable to give you a reason why he is communicating with women behind your back maybe it is time to find someone else. Nobody should feel this way and you do not have to deal with it or live with it for the rest of your life!
I wish you only but the best !!!!
Stay Strong and do what your heart tells you
Take Care & Good Luck!
If you are not okay with it then you are not okay with it, you don't need a reason for this.
He is making you feel like this then reasoning it makes sense because what you dont know won't hurt you. That is such bs
Let me just say this - if you did the same thing would he still call it overreacting if HE got mad at YOU?