Worried I might be pregnant - late period...
ELOISE - Sep 2 2012 at 17:43
Hey...I'm 25 years old. Although my ex and I were careful I'm worried because I am now about a week late. I don't have particularly regular periods. I have been very stressed recently and had a UTI about 2 weeks ago which left me feeling really run down. I am also not really feeling any signs that my period is going to start. I really don't want to be pregnant and there is no one who I feel I can talk to about this. I would take a test but I think it might be too soon to give an accurate reading.
Please go to your doctor to clear your UTI, and while you're there, ask about pregnancy tests.
What you could do is wait another week for your period and to watch for changes is shape or color on your breasts. This isn't a true indicator for if you're pregnant or not, but I really do think you need to go to your doctor for it, since they will know the best options to your situation.
If you become pregnant, just get an abortion -- it happens all the time and is normal. You don't want a baby yet when you aren't ready, so don't stress out over that.
You'll be okay. I think your stress and worries might have delayed your period as well, and depression also slows the arrival of your period, so it may be delayed since you're under those conditions at the moment.
I'd still go to your doctor and have that UTI checked out if I were you -- it's easier to clear it out at the first symptoms than later when it may be *too late*.
You're going to have to deal with this sooner or later, so why not make it sooner if you're going to do it anyway? :3
Go go go! You'll be fine~
Take care.