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Would like some advice on what to do next!! THX

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Hello, I've been talking to this girl online on a non-dating site for about a month to a little over a month. Things have been going great with our conversations. She is engaged and will reply and even ask me questions. I asked for her number about a week ago and she gave it to me without hesitation. I did ask her a few weeks back if she would be comfortable meeting me and her response was that she wasn't ready to meet someone. Now that things have gotten a lot better and she's opening up to me. She has even stated that she finds me attractive...when would it be appropriate to ask her out again? She has been working a lot due to the holidays. I am super interested in her but I don't want to come off as needy or pushy. Should I ask her out again or do I wait until she brings up meeting? I have also noticed that she is really shy and I just don't know if it will come from her. Any suggestions are appreciated!! Thank you.

Would like some advice on what to do next!! THX

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Well, if isn't this a cute situation ! Hello there. As someone who has been in the same place as this girl, I know what you should do. (happy) (A) I can see that you both are interested in eachother. Give her space for thinking well what she wants, but that doesn't mean to act different or anything, just be natural. In the meantime, you get to know yourselves better, and picture if a relationship could work and how. Have fun! and we aware of not loosing yourself into her. If you se she's shy, then start being more honest as possible about everything, starting with houw you feel, your concerns, and especially if it's about your relationship. BUT start lightly, and as you see a good response (she being supportive, interested in your words, open minded and cool abt it), go on next time more, and on. It's about time. Good luck !

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