Xmas dilemma: Husband vs Family
MIRANDA3 - Dec 13 2021 at 22:13
My husband has decided that since last week, he doesn't want to go to my parents for xmas dinner. He said that myself and the kids can go without him. He has decided that he doesn't want to be around my family anymore. He thinks they don't like him which is completely untrue.
The problem is that my parents and siblings are all looking forward to us all being together at xmas as its been years since all my family and nieces and nephews have been together at xmas.
It was our idea about 2 months ago to go to their house for xmas and stay overnight as it is a 2 hour journey away. My husband was very much in favour of this at the time.
I don't know if I should go with the kids at xmas and leave him alone in our house or stay home with him and let down my parents.
Is there anyway to negotiate this? Why does he think they don't like him? Did something happen? Could you get him to meet you midway and you all go but you don't stay over? Seems like a fair negotiation to me..
I’m in your husband’s position or possibly worse.
Every time I go to my in-law the snipe or insult one way or another. Some of it has been going on for years and I’ve decided I need them out my life completely.
My wife is jaded towards her family and she defends them. Every time we discuss it, I have to re reminder her she witnessed it all.
If your husband is preferring Xmas alone away from you and your children like I do!
He’s considering a lot lot lot more!
My in-laws are breaking us up next year because I’ve had enough and my wife doesn’t see it coming!
(Please please please read this message and what ever you do listen to why/him before it happens to you)
I’m sorry but I wish someone would of told my wife and her sick I weird family
Think of his option and his choice:
a)Home alone on Xmas depressed
b)With your family who don’t like him
c)At home with you and your wanting to be with your family
I choose a) also! You need to deal with your family