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Boyfriend disliked my kids so I dumped him

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I am a single mum since 2014. Have two children age 19 and 12. I’ve only had one relationship in this time since my marriage broke down which I recently ended. I really was smitten with him despite 19 year age gap. But there were problems from the start. My daughter (11) hated me dating as it was so foreign to her. My son wasn’t too happy either. My daughter was acting out a lot. The guy I was seeing had no patience especially as his kids are all adult. He refused to come to my house again and didn’t want my daughter at his house. He wanted me to come over but leave her home with her brother or home alone for a couple hours. He even suggested it would be good if I sent her hours away to live with her father. I broke it off with him because my daughter comes first and I wasn’t prepared to date someone who wouldn’t accept her and wanted her gone. When I ended it, he told me I’ll regret losing him because nobody will tolerate my daughter. He was angry and said it’s disgusting that I’m letting a kid control me and I’ll be a lonely woman. Surely any decent man would understand your children are priority especially when young and if you want to date someone, it’s a package deal??

Boyfriend disliked my kids so I dumped him

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yep, your kids come first & always will. The difference is the you two guys had different expectations of a relationship, but his condition of your daughter moving to live with her father smacks of a controlling man who would expect things his way & particularly when he became angry when you ended it rather than being understanding and considerate.

Boyfriend disliked my kids so I dumped him

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Thank you Yes he is a controlling man. Very little patience. Would shout at me and trivialise it, wanted everything his way. Was never wrong.

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