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Married for 20 years and reasambly happy or so I thought as last 3 years my husband hardly shows any affection and last time we had sex was 3 years ago.i have asked him why and he just says I could live without it but it's really starting to affect me I feel like I'm in a loveless marriage. Am I been selfish? He has never flirted around women or anything which i have always found quite odd as he dosent get jealous either.

Need advice

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Sit your husband down & ask him why he really expects you to go without sex for any amount of time, let alone 3 years. Selfish doesn't come into it when sex & intimacy is a requirement for a healthy relationship between two people. Explain that to him & then ask him how can he expect you to be happy when your marriage is actually falling apart bit by bit and eventually won't exist.

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