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I am married, but I think I might be gay

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I’ve been married for 11 years to a wonderful woman who I love, but I feel like I’m not being honest. I’ve been attracted to other men since I was a teenager and always felt very guilty about it. I hoped my attractions would go away as I got older. When I met my wife she seemed so perfect in every way (except for sexual attraction). We’re wonderful friends but I’m not happy. I’m so afraid of hurting her. Can I continue to live this way? Will it get better?

I am married, but I think I might be gay

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Tim Theres nothing to feel guilty for, its not your fault your sexuality. As you said you been hiding the real you for a long time and its time to show everybody who you really are. The more you stay with your wife its going to be even more difficult for both of you. Honesty is the best policy.. Tell her the truth xx

I am married, but I think I might be gay

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I have been through this Tim, i married a lovely lady and had 2 children with her, My feelings for other men didnt go away tho and even tho i didnt wanna hurt my wife and family i told them. I was completely honest. Of course she was upset, angry, and hated me but time is a healer. We hav been apart 5 years now n we are both in new relationships and the best of friends. Good luck xxx

I am married, but I think I might be gay

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Hi Tim, My father is gay and even though he knew when he married my mother, he stayed with her for 26 years. It really affected me to know that not only my mother but I had been decieved for so long. Therefore you need to consider the long term implications of you staying in this relationship. If you have or will have (in the future) kids, then they too will be affected by this. You also need to think of your own happiness, tell her, and be free to be who you truely are. L. Good Luck.

I am married, but I think I might be gay

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Hi Tim its hard for me to comment on your situation, as ive never been in it my self looking in from the out side i would advise you tell the truth as whats already been done carnt change but u can stop any more hurt. Im sure your wife will be heart broken but thats understandable and maybe in her own time she will come to turms with it and no that its not nothing to do with her this is about your sexuality nothing todo with your wife the only way its going to get better for u is if u just come clean about everything the truth always comes out in the end! At least this way u can controll it good look Tim.

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