I went through his phone
RACH04 - Jul 12 2022 at 21:16
So I did go through my boyfriend's phone which I know is wrong but he was being fishy. I found out he was sending his ex fare to come see him and I confronted him. He said his ex claimed to be pregnant and he wanted to confirm this since she had refused to send proof. My problem is he lied. I asked why he sending fare and he lied saying that he loved me so much he didn't want to risk losing me. He also does hang out with his female friends which is okay with me but he isn't honest about it. He'll never tell me when he's with his female friends and I get to learn about it later. This makes everything hard for me to believe. He seems to love me which is rare for me and I do appreciate it but I've been unable to let go of this lie. Is he being weird or am I overthinking?
Honesty is necessary for the future of any relationship. If he can't be honest, there is no future.
If this isn't true, then he's spending money to meet up with his ex. If it IS true, you're in for a lifetime of drama.
I don't know how long you've been together or if the potential baby was conceived while the two of you were dating. Why would she need to show up in person? Is he going to look at her without clothes to make sure she's not lying? Was the baby conceived while the two of you were dating?
Something's wrong here. You are not overthinking. Whatever concern he shows is covering up for his duplicity.
The minute you feel like you need to go thru your partners phone, is the day you need to walk away. When you get that gut instinct to go thru their phone, your gut is usually right and you're going to find stuff you don't like. I did it when I was in my early 20s and every time I had that gut instinct to go thru their phone and every time my gut was right.
Its clear black and white if you physically saw him sending fare to his ex on his phone. Also if he cant be honest that he is hanging out with his female friend, then something fishy is going on.
I don't think you're overthinking one bit, but I agree with oldmainer, somethings not right.
It sounds like you are in a relationship not long. And it's possible that he hasn't decided yet how important you are in his life. But I believe that a long-term relationship should be built on fidelity and trust. If you are worried about how faithful he is to you, check his phone and PC, browser history, follow him to see what he's really up to or use spy apps
https://loveisabird.com/best-apps-to-spy-on-my-boyfriend/ to find out the truth. But first decide whether you want to know the truth or not.