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I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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Hi guys new here and i really need your help,anyone that can give a best advice about me.I really want to do vlogging but the thing is im not really a person that is normal like others,i am person with lots of issues and mistakes ..and it bothers me everyday,im afraid t show my self because of like i said im not a perfect person,i really like to do vlog because it makes happy.Hope you guys best advice thank you

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

BALANCE profile image
Baldman123 vlogging is something that takes a person who is willing to put their face out there regularly. If you know you are not this kind of person then you don't need to put yourself through the stress of vlogging, and in fact there may be other options. Whatever subject you were interested in vlogging about, you could very easily make videos without showing your face in them, and put the audio to topical images. Or, if you still don't feel comfortable talking in the videos, you could use a robotic text-to-speech program to talk about the subject. Aside from vlogging there is blogging - typing about the subject and uploading your thoughts on it. I think you'll find that most people aren't perfect and very many of us are walking messes. If you are judging yourself by the quality of existing vlogs people have made, then you should know that a lot of those people work on production teams to make that content and a lot of work goes into every new video. And yes, a lot of those people are likely more outgoing and not so concerned with how others perceive them. You have options. At the end of the day this platform exists that lets any amateur person try their hand at producing content, so don't feel intimidated or like the content you make is automatically under intense scrutiny. Have fun with it.

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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Thank you for the reply,i really appreciate it.😊 Can i ask you if i were you would you do vlogging or not? What would you suppose to do? Hope you answer this again.

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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Sounds to me like you need a boost in confidence first. I would suggest taking up a hobby that could help boost your confidence. Martial arts, dance, art etc. Then maybe take some creative writing classes (even online), so you can work up a script for your vlogs.

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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Im not really on other hobby right now not okay go outside too ..i dont like to see people anymore little scared interact with toxic people .thats why i want to do vlogs because maybe it can help me.

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

BALANCE profile image
Baldman123 I probably would not do vlogging because for me personally that isn't something I have ever had the desire to get into doing. I also have issues and do not get out much as of late, so I am not the best person to be asking this question to. I agree with Aka that this is a confidence thing. Like I mentioned, there are some ways to still do a vlog and get around being on camera. Best of luck.

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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Baldman, why don't you start a wee blog here and see what reaction it gets? Perhaps we can critique it for a test run? After all, this place is all about keeping things real so, if we find it too much then probably your average online reader would. Idea? I mean, the impression I get is that you wish you COULD talk about your personal life, WITHOUT being disguised or anonymouos, but worry about how it'll be taken or potentially impact on you. Is that right? I think literally everyone's got personal problems lately, either due directly to the erstwhile state of the world and economy or because it's greatly exacerbated pre-existing ones. I think any site that keeps it real and encourages other people to confide/relate/vent, likewise, is very much needed and will become more and more needed as we go. What do you think?

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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I know I've got problems, including ones I wouldn't have encountered, were it not for the impactful effects of Brexit, Covid, Ukraine, fuel crisis, cost of living crisis...etcetera. So have my friends, *especially* those in England (tears or venting their anger now feature regularly in at least half of our phonecalls). And Balance has just admitted a few. Any more for any more? Probably be quicker to ask - who HASN'T any problems! And people indeed aren't getting out as much. Either they can't afford to or they're too demoralised, stressed, depressed, and generally uninspired all the way to lethargic or downright paralysed and reclusive. In fact, I heard on the radio how the lockdowns have left people feeling anxious for the first time in their life about going out - socialising or to work. We're all, each in our own ways, suffering lately. FYI. :-)

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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Balance,thank you again,i appreciate your advice.Godbless😊

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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Im not really on other hobby right now not okay go outside too ..i dont like to see people anymore little scared interact with toxic people .thats why i want to do vlogs because maybe it can help me. Hopefully your blog doesn't have a place for comments. Because you will run into a lot of toxic people in the comments section.

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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Soulmate,thank you maybe ill try blogging too Aka,yeah toxic comment is inevitable my post here is like looking support or to clarify if im worthy to be a vlogger.

I want to do an activity like vlogging but

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(Scuse delay!) You won't get any intentionally toxic comments around here, I/we don't allow it. If you like - go for it! :-)

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