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My friends don't want to hang out

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Hello, this is my first time writing here it feels weird but I really need some counseling on how to deal with my situation with my friendgroup. I'm from a small town, so I have a friendgroup since school days. However recently many of them have some tension in between them because some arguments that happened. So now the group is not hanging out, making plans or talking by messages. I still have some weeks of summer and I want to have fun but they always say no to any plan I say. To clarify I'm not in any of the arguments in my group, I'm good with all of them. All of my friends have another friendgroups they can rely on, but that's not the case with me. They are my only friends, so right now I'm quite lonely. I have talked to them, specially with the ones I'm most close to about this and even though they have told me that they will do plans and hang out with me they don't. And then I see them all the time in different plans in social media. I don't want to push them to do anything they might be uncomfortable with, but we are still friends and I miss having fun, talking, go anywhere with them. I no longer know what to do about this. I'm seeing myself alone in my house the rest of the summer. Please help me if you have any ideas, I really appreciate any comment. Also, if I haven't explained myself well feel free to ask questions.

My friends don't want to hang out

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I understand that you feel alienated from your social circle. This can be particularly devastating. However, I think this is an opportune time to cultivate passions for things that motivate you, things that you love. How can you transform as a person this summer (e.g. self-love, etc)? Your friends may think or feel differently than you, have different values, and you may have strayed. However, please know the issue is not you, you have a fount of inner resources, talents and abilities and you are more than capable ofre-establishing your social life and finding a new social circle. For example, a support group may be particularly helpful. You may find some online support groups helpful. Please surround yourself in a healthy community of people with like values and define yourself by something other than your social circle.

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