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Should I confess this to my boyfriend?

CRAZYCATLADY227 profile image
I haven’t cheated. I just flirt a lot. I’m trying to stop but should I tell him? I love him so much and I would never want to hurt him. Is telling him what I should do or should I just stop without telling him?

Should I confess this to my boyfriend?

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Allow him to see your flirtatious behavior, while you are both out on a date together. His reaction will tell you how he feels about it.

Should I confess this to my boyfriend?

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It depends on what your motivation is for confessing this to him. Do you think he could help you if he knew? (which I don't think he would, this is something you must work on yourself). Or do you just want to be brutally honest and have no secrets? (we all have things we don't share with our loved ones. It gets really creepy if you just constantly admit every little detail about yourself) So if this isn't influencing him or your relationship negatively right now, why not rather focus on changing the behaviour instead of wasting energy wondering if he should know or not. Unless you fear someone else might tell him that you behave badly, then I guess it's better he hears about it from you instead.

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