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Advice please

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My partner is the kindest man I've ever met, however, he shows all signs of having Autism and is on a waiting list. He is extrenely high functioning. He flips almost like he is bipolar from wanting a family and to grow together to not wanting anything at all. He gets upset and loses all feelings for me over the smallest thing as he said it causes him stress and he can't cope. He used to message me every morning 'good morning' and suddebly stopped. When I asked why he ignored me then got angry and finally said he just didn't want to, he thought it was a stupid ritual that was only good in the honeymoon phase. He says very hurtful things and seems not to care at all but other times he's the most loving person. Has anyone else dated someone who struggles? How did you cope?

Advice please

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Your partner isn't really ready for a partnership. Someone who "loses all feelings" for a loved one over small things is still a child emotionally. This isn't how adults operate. "But he may be autistic," I can hear you saying. Yup. he may be. This is who he is, today. Accept it, and realize this is how things are going to be. Or realize he is severely limited, and accept that his present state is not enough involvement/maturity/empathy to build a relationship, and be his friend instead. You've fallen in love with his potential, not the reality of the situation.

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