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No friends

MULTIGALACTIC  profile image
I was homeschooled my whole life. So I never got the chance to make connections in high school and college like most do. I literally have 0 friends. I can’t think of one person I could call to talk to or hang out with. When I try to make connections, I’m always putting forth all the effort and getting no indication I’m actually wanted around by anyone. Just a really crappy feeling and it’s been getting to me now that I’m 25. I think of my wedding ( if I ever have one ) and how I will have just my parents on my side of the aisle and no bridesmaids. I am lonely and giving up. What do I do?

No friends

ITSSIMPLYME profile image
Hi MULTIGALACTIC, I've never been home schooled yet me it's a different situation regarding environmental, I only have my sister and i too feel that way of if I'd get married who'll be on my side of the isle. Even thoughts of having babies, it's really hard and at times I'd worried about biological clock ticking as I'm pushing 30. all the best.

No friends

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Multigalactic, I really feel for you,...REALLY-REALLY feel for you... that's a horrid phase to be in. It IS just a phase, though, promise. Your mental programme is set, not to allow it to go on forever. Try not to worry or that adds to it. Are you getting anxiety attacks? Anyway, I'll respond properly tomorrow evening or Thurs eve latest, as I have people I'm already in conversation with, waiting for a slightly overdue response (and I'm a bit pushed for time and therefore sporadic in my attendance). In the meantime, if a Contact/Connection lifeline is what you need - please feel free to become the Chatty/Sharing Thread hostess with the mostess (and edit your thread title to suit?) where anyone else here lonely (I wouldn't be surprised, especially these frightening days) can take a pew and chew the fat with you? Would that help?

No friends

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Not a nice situation, I know. Do you have any hobbies where you could join in-person classes, e.g. book groups, salsa, writing, drawing, language classes, rock choirs or sports teams (in the UK netball)? There is a good site called where people can - obviously - meet up! All different choices of activities and events. I wouldn't recommend online - it can be so impersonal. It may be difficult if you're shy but there will be many others like you. I hope these suggestions helps if you haven't already tried. I made many friends this way. I wish you luck.

No friends

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Ah. I think she's gone, guys. Maybe posted in other places too and took to the first that responded? Sweetly supportive responses though, the pair of you - thanks. :-)

No friends

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PS: your responses won't have gone to waste, though, no worries. Not everyone starts their own threads - some find ones closely pertinent to their own situation and just have a good read. In fact, since the title is just "No Friends" - anyone on this forum could even take over as host/hostess on this thread to discuss the topic further? Obviously if the OP (original poster) came back you'd have to revert to contributor/adviser but...doesn't look like it so - Everyone/anyone - feel free to post about Loneliness, including solutions or coping mechanisms...whatever.

No friends

DOJABOYTELLEM profile image
Whatever you do, don't be afraid to be yourself. People are attracted by similarities but they are also attracted to differences. And if people don't respect you for who you are, then they aren't worth your time. Lots of people live happy, fulfilling lives with very few (like 3-5) friends. So don't get overwhelmed and think that everyone has to be your friend. Even just finding and having one friend can go a long way, especially if that friend has other friends that they can introduce to you. As far as finding friends, extracurricular activities will probably be your best bet. Do you have a job? Do you go to the gym? Do you volunteer, go to church, attend meetings, or take group lessons/classes? Even just walking around your neighborhood (if you can) will expose you to people who live close to you. I've found people to talk to and hang out with on; there are forums there related to where you live and for people to find text buddies/pen pals. Trying to make friends can be scary, but I'm sure you'll do fine with practice. Just remember that people are social by nature, and many will be willing to take time out of their day to get to know you, as long as you are respectful.

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