Feeling suffocated
ITSSIMPLYME - Nov 6 2022 at 09:15
i have a twin sister, which we were quite close (not anymore), we are with each other 24/7, we used to argue alot, now we barely do as we not in each other's space, but when we arguing she always calls me fake or tells me what i enjoy watching or focusing on is not me (me being fake) especially as it's things we've done together and she loves assigning things onto me (like what i "really enjoy" or how I really feel". it's weird, and suffocating I don't know what to do it makes me uncomfortable like we are almost 30 lol. she used to be the dominant one and me submissive now I'm feeling free from being that way. if I'm making sense. it's draining at times, i just hope this makes sense to anyone reading.
Hi ItsSimplyMe,
She's used to being the boss twin. And she's used to you being "the same" as her in certain major ways. Along with that, she's used to telling you that she knows better than you, the owner of you, when it comes to what you like or how you feel about things.
But now you've 'come into your own' and she apparently can't handle this stark change in you.
Have you reflected on why you were willing to be so acquiescent, or as you put it, 'submissive', for so many years? And/or what's brought about this sudden, recent growth-spurt of yours?
Also, how come you're together 24/7? Are you house-sharers?
Do you both have other friendships outside of your sisterly relationship?
She started to become dominant after being the "alpha one" when we were early teens, and portrayed aggressive behaviour like in a threatening manner whenever she was angry or disagreed.
we live together with rest of family
no, we don't really have friends.
she even refers to one specific thing we used to do together in riddles like she'd give codenamed lol like she doesn't want to disclose who she's talking about (it's football) lol it's so cringey, yet she'd talk about other things (directly name dropping) it's weird, it's like we not adults.
Sorry for the delay - be with you tonight or tomorrow!
"She started to become dominant after being the "alpha one" when we were early teens, and portrayed aggressive behaviour like in a threatening manner whenever she was angry or disagreed.
we live together with rest of family
no, we don't really have friends."
This is very scant information so I'm afraid I have more questions, as I can't possibly answer or suggest anything unless I can grasp the situation fully, in greater detail:
Since early teens - 13, 14 - okay. So I'm presuming she started practising her teen assertion skills (as teens do) on Safe You, rather than her suggestably not-so-safe schoolfriends, but you either failed or couldn't be bothered to push back at the time, so she was able to get well into that habit of dominance and superiority for a good 15/16 years ....until now.
But it went further, since (probably when you'just d started to practise pushing-back) she then brought in physical intimidation tactics.
1. At what age did those latter tactics start to creep in?
2. Can I have an example of a typical disagreement that, for her, is enough to get angry over, please?
3. What about your parents - didn't they ever notice she was constantly dominating you, increasingly, to point of bullying? Did you ever solicit their help and protection? What about today? Why haven't they done anything?
"she even refers to one specific thing we used to do together in riddles like she'd give codenamed lol like she doesn't want to disclose who she's talking about (it's football) lol it's so cringey, yet she'd talk about other things (directly name dropping) it's weird, it's like we not adults."
4. Sorry, I didn't understand that - could you put it in a different/clearer way?
5. Why do neither of you have any outside friends?
6. Also, you forgot to answer this one: Have you reflected on why you were willing to be so acquiescent, or as you put it, 'submissive', for so many years? And/or what's brought about this sudden, recent growth-spurt of yours?