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Can't cope with his drinking

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Before i met my husband he had a severe drinking problem to the point where he nearly killed himself. He was given tablets to help him off the drink and stay off it. After his dr gave him the ok to come off the tablets he started drinking. It started off jusy occassional drinking then he hit a binge where it was all the time and far much more than he could handle. This was putting a strain on our relationship. He realised what he was doing and stopped the binge and cut back to occassionally. He now drinks every night and its costing us a fortune and practically leaving us with no spare money. I want to approach him about it but no matter how i try i just get accused of over reacting or being told he ahs no problem. Im at my wits end and dont know what to do, I dont want to walk away as we have kids. Please any advice on how to deal woth this would be gratefully appreciated.

Can't cope with his drinking

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Hm, well Shellbell, what is the main cause for his drinking? Why is he drinking so much? Does he have a history he isn't proud of, or some repression going on? How about some depression? There must be a reason he's drinking his life away, and it isn't good in view of the children. Find the source of why he drinks so much and try to see if you can resolve the issue if any, all the while finally get rid of his drinking. He can't possibly just enjoy drinking so much.. he's a grown adult who has responsibilities, and you and your children are taking the fall for it. It's a very destructive behavior on his end, and he really needs to stop, for his sake and the familiy's. I hope this gets resolved!

Can't cope with his drinking

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Hello Shellbell, Your Husband is an addict no if ands or buts, Addiction is a disease just like cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. I myself am a recovery addict, I come from a family of long History of addicts ( yes it is very hereditary ) my Dad is a recovery addict ( 35 years clean) my sister is a addict( unfortunately she is in denial like your husband ) lets talk about my sister since she is refusing to get help like your husband. 10 years ago my sister had EVERYTHING a very rich husband a beautiful home two beautiful children money in the bank. Well to round up the story short since I'm typing on my cell phone, she choose Alcohol, crack cocaine and any kind of mood altering RX drug she could get her hands on over everything she had including her children , I had to adopt both of them because her husband at the time was also abusing. That started 10 years ago and she has gotten worse worse worse. We have tried to put her in rehab ( she always chks herself out) one time she got arrested for having 2 DUIS and went to jail for sometime that was the best thing for her and the grieving family. My advice to you is to get your husband help before it gets worse , call his siblings or parents call his closes friends and have an intervention , also I need to let u know that when one family member has an addiction problem the whole family has a problem as you and your children are feeling right nOw. Another good resource for you is attending ALLINON MEETINGS google the closest ALINON MEETINGS in your area its free and what is is AA meetings for the suffering family members everybody there is in the same boat as u looking for advice . It's a fabulous tool because their are some members like myself that have been there and can give u the best advice for free. Good luck to u and your family, and Godbless

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