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Help, I need advice

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Hello to those that are reading. I need some advice deciding what to do next and i am not a native English speaker so, i am sorry if I am confusing or something. So here's the thing, I have dropped out of high school in 11th grade cause of depression and anxiety. Since it was not a time where other school would accept me and to be true i needed some time ,i have applied for open school or others might say distance education. At present I am gonna write exams in September this year and am planning to go to Germany for my future studies. Here comes the thing, i am almost sure that the universities there have a hard time accepting students from an open school and i dont know what to do. My parents hinted to me if i want to study with my sister(she is about to start 11th grade) in her school which has ibdp. This is where i don't know what to do, like i want to study at that school cause i think my current education is not very good and i would love to study advanced topics but i am already 17 and a dropout. personally, i feel bad about the quality of my education at present and i would love to study more to be true. So, should i continue completing my education in an open school or study with my sister.

Help, I need advice

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Hi SphericalMomos (pmsl!) sorry for the delay. "I have dropped out of high school in 11th grade cause of depression and anxiety." As did a lot of students, thanks to the Lockdowns (and catching worry about the future off of their parents) - and still are. So you're not alone. Just means you're normal and sensitive (sign of high intelligence, doncha know :)). "i have applied for open school or others might say distance education. At present I am gonna write exams in September this year and am planning to go to Germany for my future studies." You've applied despite suffering high anxiety and depression? Crikey - WELL DONE! "i am almost sure that the universities there have a hard time accepting students from an open school and i dont know what to do" Well, the first thing to do is dare to find out for 100% certain, wouldn't you think? So you've done 'feeling the anxiety and doing it anyway', which means 'feeling the fear and doing it anyway' will actually feel easier. Anxiety is fear, anyway (of the future) so, basically, if you've felt the fear etc. once then you can do it again - yes? Do you just need someone's support as you do it? "My parents hinted to me if i want to study with my sister(she is about to start 11th grade) in her school which has ibdp. " Cool - another option. "This is where i don't know what to do, like i want to study at that school cause i think my current education is not very good and i would love to study advanced topics but i am already 17 and a dropout. personally, i feel bad about the quality of my education at present and i would love to study more to be true. So, should i continue completing my education in an open school or study with my sister." Actually, you do. Your semantic and syntax proves it. You want to study at that school. (1) You could have said you wanted to do the distance course but. So you planted your flag on your sister's school. The rest are unreal worries. For starters, you'll automatically be the cool kid as the eldest in the class. Plus, as you say, you'll then be qualified for the German unis. And, in actual fact, you're ONLY Seventeen, still a teenager. You can't qualify as a drop out until you're 30, jobless, homeless, etc. And clearly, someone with your advanced self-discipline, including the incredible strength and determination to SINGLE-HANDEDLY hoik YOURSELF up by your bootstraps under terrible duress and mental paralysis - that ain't ever gonna be you...nope! :) Drop-out, my arse. You (and one whole third of all school-age kids your age)...were ill. If you'd missed school due to having injured some other main part of your body, like your Pelvis, you wouldn't worry that people would think you were a drop-out once you finished the Year you were in when your injury hit, would you? Well, then. You're just having a wobble because you're recoverING but not quite all-the-way finished yet, meaning, being triggered back into anxiety - this case quite mildly but still horrid, namely, Whittling & Worrying - is that bit too possible, still. Have you got enough to do to distract you? And could your mum or dad make you an appointment with your doctor to request a short-term 'step-stool' in the form of a low-dose anti-anxiety medicine, to shunt you 'higher' and thereby remove the possibility of back-sliding down again a bit, like this? Or are you on a prescription for it already?

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