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Having doubts about long distance relationship. Help?

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I started dating this guy because my family members liked him, his parents liked me, he liked me, and they all thought we would make a cute couple. Things were okay in the beginning and I thought, yeah, okay, this could work, he's a great guy, he's cute, and he likes me. It turns out we are polar opposites, but opposites attract right? The problem started when I left, originally it was supposed to be a month long trip, but due to some issues I'm staying here. From his end everything is still fine, but for me all those doubts that I had in the beginning are coming back. At this point I don't know if I'm dating him because I want to or because everyone wants me to, or if all of this is because of the distance. We've been dating for six months. So what should I do, call it quits or just wait to see if these feelings pass? Or something else?

Having doubts about long distance relationship. Help?

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It may be a bit difficult, but you're going to have to have a serious conversation with him about how you feel -- it's NOW OR NEVER, you cannot keep pretending or trying to get over the doubts of what you're feeling. He's going to find out one day. Everyone's going to find out one day, and when eventually you're a year into the relationship, it's going to be even harder for you to share how you feel, because you're pressured by how you think things SHOULD be, rather than what it IS. It's best that you talk to him, so you and he could work out a solution that best works for you two. I'm sure that if he cares enough, he will try to work his way through this with you and not leave you because you're trying to make it work as well. Also, "opposites attract" isn't as true as the media has made it out to be. In psychology, I learned that we are actually more drawn to those who are similar to us, but that's not to say that being opposites mean it won't ever work. It's all about how you work through problems together that makes your relationship valuable, as long as you both put the effort into it! Don't worry about whether or not he'll leave you for it -- if he really likes you -- which I'm sure he does, he'd try his best to work it out with you. And from there on out, you can determine how you really feel about him.

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