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Relationship problems with the other child

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Me and my boyfriend have been together for 1 yr and 3 mths, i have a son who is almost 3 and he has a son that just turned 4. We never faught about anything for the first 8 mths then we started having his son around more and we ended up moving in together. 3 mths after that he got full custody of his son and we have been fighting every since cause his son doesnt listen to me and my boyfriend works 3rd shift so he sleeps all day. Im just looking for some advice on wat i should do because im getting to the point of just giving up but i love my boyfriend i just cant handle.the fighting all the time over a 4 yr old

Relationship problems with the other child

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Hey Sky, I think you can try to create a POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT around his 4 year old, no matter what he does. He's at a very young and delicate age where the inner core of his being is still being developed (until age 5), so you would want to incorporate good habits and a structured lifestyle within this child, otherwise it'll be difficult to undo later on. When he's behaving badly, for example, he won't put on his jacket before going outside to play, say something like, "If you do this, I will give you a piece of your favorite candy later!". Rewarding the child will boost his behaviors. You can try learning more about psychology on children to get them to do what you want, you just need tons of patience for this. There is positive and negative reinforcement as well. You can read about this here: Try to win him over, gal! You can do it :)

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