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Does she care?

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18M here. I have a complicated relationship with one of my friends, We are in that friend/crush area of a relationship. Its been 2 years since we met, and since then there hasn't been a day that we havn't talked to eachother. We would have 3 to 4 hour long converstions over text every day.In a sense she is my closest friend. In the beginning stages she did hint some interest towards me, but later on (literally the next text she sent) shut it down by saying "im not interested in anything romantical right now". This put me in a very awkward situation as i didn't know with confidence if she really liked me. Things remained the same for nearly 2 years, which brings me to today. It seems to me that we only talk when I iniciate a conversation, and to test this out i stopped texting her last week. To no suprise she hasn't texted. Now I feel like I was just some annoying dude who talked to her everyday, and she was just humoring me. I feel as though she couldn't care less if I talked to her or not, even as friends. I've decided to stop iniciating the converstations and slowly remove myself from her life. I want to give myself some time to forget about her, and above all the habit of speaking to her, since talking to her every day for the last 2 years has become some what of a routine, and I constatly find myself checking if she texted or not. I know this sounds somewhat pathetic, but to me she was my best friend, someone I shared all of my life secrets and put my trust in. Nevertheless, I believe it is best thing for me to cut her off of my life, is this the right decision?

Does she care?

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Hi Halil, Thanks for your patience :) "In the beginning stages she did hint some interest towards me, but later on (literally the next text she sent) shut it down by saying "im not interested in anything romantical right now"." What had you said and/or done as made her have to state that? "It seems to me that we only talk when I iniciate a conversation, and to test this out i stopped texting her last week." Good plan, Stan! "To no suprise she hasn't texted." No surprise, noted. "Now I feel like I was just some annoying dude who talked to her everyday, and she was just humoring me." Nope. Wrong. Nope. Nobody humours anyone THAT far. Psych fact: if someone repeatedly does something (her case, replies) it's because they are getting something out of it. A power trip and massive ego-boost, maybe, including "being pursued", and knowing that you're longing for her? And/or, her, sensing why you'd gone quiet - engaging herself in a game of Chicken (to see which of you will crack and contact first)? Is using you to make someone else feel constantly threatened and having to tread very carefully? Whichever... You're quite correct: It's not normal. It's not Friendly. It's unbefitting. It's cold-hearted. Just - abnormal...against usual Friend script. "I feel as though she couldn't care less if I talked to her or not, even as friends. I've decided to stop iniciating the converstations and slowly remove myself from her life. I want to give myself some time to forget about her, and above all the habit of speaking to her, since talking to her every day for the last 2 years has become some what of a routine, and I constatly find myself checking if she texted or not. I know this sounds somewhat pathetic, but to me she was my best friend, someone I shared all of my life secrets and put my trust in." You DON'T know that this sounds somewhat pathetic. Because, it doesn't. Not one iota. You are doing the right and only self-respectful thing. "Nevertheless, I believe it is best thing for me to cut her off of my life, is this the right decision?" See above (sorry, I don't read ahead). Thoughts? ALSO, if you'd like something engaging to fill her gap AND that's really fast and powerful at re-building self-esteem - please feel free to give your support/thoughts and opinions to any or all of the other posters that are likewise having to wait patiently in the queue? (It would seem I'm the only vet. poster available at the mo., and the trouble is - I'm *not* very available at all (note time). I know I need the favour, but its effect on self-esteem IS a true fact, promise. :)

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